Thursday, November 12, 2009

Penultimate Post --- Group Evaluation

The module is just almost over and done with. There's still the matter of the form we have to hand in and our last blog post. Over the last couple of weeks, I have tried my utmost to resist typing a blog post similar to what this will shape up to be but today's class just gave me a little extra ammunition to get this out in the open. I'm not the kind of person to wash dirty linen in public but Brad's suggestion that Feodor was the one who was testing the limits of my patience throughout the project really caught me off-guard because of how wrong it was!

Just to clarify, I actually liked working with Feodor. He contributed actively to our group discussions, gave great suggestions, is hardworking and responsible, and like I've mentioned before, is the glue of the group. He is a wonderful platform for bouncing ideas off. At the end of our numerous group meetings, he'd always be the one asking, "so where do we go from here?" He made sure we knew our tasks and that everybody had a part to work on after the meeting. He was also the guy who kept us focused on our tasks whenever it gets late and we start to lose focus. Also, he kept us sane during those crazy long nights by providing home-baked cookies. HAHA. I honestly enjoyed working with Feodor. And yes Feodor, we are still friends.

Michelle has been the "pusher" for the project from the very start. I think everybody will remember Feodor mentioning that he finds the girls in our group (being Michelle and I) to be panicky. Panicky, we certainly are not. We just want to complete things as soon as possible. I really want to give Michelle credit for that. She really pushes the group to hold meetings concerning different parts of our project and rushes us to finish the tasks we have on hand so that our complete work can come together as soon as possible. Every group setting definitely needs a person like that to push for work to be done. She has been exceptionally focused on this project and has given no less than 100% from the very start. In a semester where everybody has so much to do, I have to admit, my dedication towards this project wavers depending on what tests I have in the upcoming week. For that, I admire her dedication towards this project.

Jake, for me, has been seriously disappointing from the start. He may be Vietnamese, but that isn't the issue here. He didn't contribute much during project meetings and seldom produces work that is up to standard. It's not as if we have some sort of nationality thing going on---we don't! We don't discriminate and discussions are almost always fast and furious. If you have anything to say, just say it. I don't think us giving him no opportunity to talk is a valid excuse at all. Besides his lack of contribution during group discussions, we would often have to repeat what had been discussed to him. So if something could be improved, it certainly would be his listening skills. One other thing I (I won't dare speak for my other group members) found extremely frustrating was that when work has been delegated and a deadline set, he usually submits work that are of minimal effort. Hence, it was extremely extremely frustrating to have to redo or to do major overhaul to his work. Delegation of work is supposed to make things more effective. Somehow this time round, it sort of became an extra workload. It was one which we had to continuously do throughout the project. Covering his work became a bit of a hassle especially when we're all busy people.

My own evaluation of my learning process for this project was covered in my previous post "Pre-OP". I acknowledge, I am nowhere as dedicated to this project as Michelle and nowhere as calm and as in control as Feodor. But I do bring my share into this project.

I have definitely considered what I have learnt about tact and communication in this module. However, I'm also a firm believer that there comes a point where tact ceases to work and the point blank truth comes into play. This isn't a post to slam anybody. It is a post to firstly clarify that I've had a most pleasant experience working with Feodor and secondly to give my unadulterated evaluation of my classmates' work ethics. I can take as much as I give. If any of my group mates want to evaluate my work performance, they are most welcomed to do so.


  1. Hi hi,

    I do appreciate your thinking of me. It's all about what I need to put more effort to improve to perform better in the future. As long as I can understand the root, I can perform well. The evidence is that I understand the structure and the gist of our OP, I performed naturally. However, I must admit that in The Project Proposal, I was definitely stunned when you guys were discussing. Yes, my listening skill is bad, I have to confess, ^-^. It led to the point "lack of contribution to group discussion and repetition you had to make to remind me". As you remember in the Peer Teaching, we actually had no misunderstanding and got along pretty well, right. :), simply just because I understood the thing.

    But there is a point I just want to adjust a bit that should be "the minimum effort" I put. As reflecting on what I have done, my effort could be much less than Feodor, and Michelle, but it should not be the minimum effort I had. I just thought I did almost assignment and did not let you cover my parts, namely my part in proposal, the abstract, the interview, the appendices, APA editing, etc. I attended all the meetings and actively booked the room for us. So it does not mean I did not want to contribute as much as I can. The point down here is almost all of my tasks needed editing dramatically. But I did try my best to tailor the language. And I really thank you guys for taking over and helping me to do it.

    Overall, the project working has shown my weak point in communication, active listening that led to my passiveness in the project. This is one I need to put more effort to improve.

    I love to work with our team because I learnt from you all quite a lot. I love your direct comments from which I can reflect and improve myself. I love feedback always. :) :P.

    Here's me wish you all the best! Really glad to be your mate, Pei En.


    Jake (Jamfep :P)

  2. Thank you Jake for being so gracious. Yes, we all have to learn to work with foreigners because we cannot always ensure that we are working with people from the same nationality. I think everybody has to learn to be flexible and adaptive to different people.

    I wish you luck in improving yourself and giving this new and improved Jake to your future group projects.
